DevHouse Friday – Everything that can go wrong

Der nächste DevHouse Friday Chillout findet am Freitag den 13.05 statt. Passend zum Datum ist das Thema „Die Schwarze Seite der Programmierung“. Was alles schief laufen kann.. eure größten Bugs und Bails. Wie immer ist jeder willkommen eine Anekdote oder...

It’s Railscamp time! SalesKing ist wieder unterwegs …

Wir feuen uns dabei zu sein! SalesKing ist neben Railslove, applicake und Jarorcon Sponsor des ersten railscampPolska! Das Railscamp startet am Freitag, den 08.04.2011 in Wisła. Wir freuen uns gleichgesinnte Ruby-Hacker zu treffen, zu coden und zu feiern –...

HTTP Basic AUTH with .NET

.NET WebRequest class does not base64 encode the Authorization header when using HTTP basic Auth. This leads to failing authentication, if your credentials contain special characters like an email address(as username) does. So in case you are lost you might try this...

API Browser to visualize JSON Schema

It’s been a couple of weeks since i quickly hacked a first version of an API browser and presented it at the RubyUserGroup Cologne. It is now available online (at heroku) and gives a nice overview of a JSON-Schema for a(our) RESTful webservice. In case you are...

API Version 1.0 released

It’s been a year since we started to use our API in client projects. During that time we hacked a lot(instead of writing docs), but most important realized we made the right choices using REST, JSON and JSON-Schema. So finally we are proud to announce Version...

KingSlideTabs – jQuery plugin – content from the edge

Space is sparse on a website and too many elements quickly confuse the visitor. With slide-in-tabs you can elegantly hide/show information and save space without loosing a users attention. This is achieved by attaching tabs onto the browsers edges, which when clicked...